Hello, I'm Michael Iskra, and I want to share with you the essence of what we've built here at POMUnlimited.

Charting Your Course to Financial Freedom

Why Choose Us?

Every day, we're here changing the endgame for individuals and business owners like you. My team and I are deeply committed to guiding you through the complexities of wealth preservation. It's not just about securing your assets; it's about paving a path for a future filled with financial freedom and peace of mind.

In this journey of financial planning, it's crucial to have a guide who understands your needs, dreams, and the intricacies of the financial world. That's where I come in. With years of experience under my belt and a passionate team by my side, we at POMUnlimited offer you more than just services; we offer a partnership.

Our Core Services

DPT - Diversification, Protection & Tax Saving

Embark on a Secure Financial Voyage with POMUnlimited

Ready to Start Your Journey?

I invite you to reach out and begin this journey with us. Your financial future doesn’t have to be daunting. With POMUnlimited, it’s a path we'll navigate together, towards security, prosperity, and peace of mind.

Diversification - Alternate Assets Classes

Diversification is your best defense against the unpredictable nature of markets. Together, we can explore alternative asset classes like annuities, and more, to build a resilient portfolio that stands the test of time.

Tax-saving Strategies

Let me take you through the maze of tax planning with strategies designed to reduce your liabilities and enhance your savings. It’s not just about paying less in taxes; it’s about smart planning for your future.

Protection - Life Insurance & Premium Financing

Your legacy deserves protection, and that's exactly what we aim to provide. From tailored life insurance solutions to innovative premium financing strategies, we ensure your wealth is safeguarded for generations to come.

No Compromise, Just Maximize.

Because It’s Time To Seek Financial Advice From Experts

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No Compromise, Just Maximize

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How do we go about it?


Vision Understanding

We start by deeply comprehending your financial aspirations and lifestyle goals to tailor a unique strategy that truly resonates with you.


Strategic Crafting

Next, we develop a robust financial strategy that aligns with your objectives, addressing areas like tax optimization, investment diversification, and asset protection.

Your Path to Financial Freedom with POMUnlimited

Embarking on a journey toward financial freedom is an exhilarating step, and here at POMUnlimited, we're thrilled to be your companions on this path. Let me walk you through our bespoke process, designed to take you from where you are today to a future brimming with financial independence and security


Plan Implementation

We then meticulously implement your strategy, focusing on precise execution and seamless integration into your financial life.


Continuous Monitoring

Our team proactively monitors and refines your plan, ensuring it adapts to both your evolving needs and market dynamics.


Milestone Celebrations

As you reach key financial milestones, we celebrate your success and recalibrate for future achievements, keeping you motivated and on track.

Embark on a Path to Prosperity with POMUnlimited

Ready to Start Your Journey?

I invite you to reach out to us and begin this journey with us. Your financial future doesn’t have to be daunting. With POMUnlimited, it’s a path we'll navigate together, towards security, prosperity, and peace of mind.

Hear What Our Clients Say

George Owens

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Max Tanner

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Kim Wexler

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Billy Jackson

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